Painting > Trail Paintings

Last summer's exercise routine was as follows:

Drive to Gooseberry Park from my childhood home in Fargo, ND.
Bring water, bug spray, paint box and at least one 9" x 12" primed panel. Run the 3.6 mile trail loop along the river. Scout the next painting location while running. Return to the car and drink some water. Fetch paintbox, folding chair, and backpack with paint, brushes, and bug spray. Find a place to sit with a pleasing view, out of the way of mountain bikes and preferably in the shade. Enjoy breeze on sweaty skin. Make a painting. Walk back to the car. Place fresh painting carefully in the small box in the trunk of the car. Return home.

This continued for most of the summer of 2023 and expanded to beyond Gooseberry to other trails including Hartley Nature Center in Duluth and excursions to the farm.